Assignment 9 About Dr. Jane Goodall
Find a Chinese or English website with information about Jane Goodall. Put down 3 important things.
sorrows or joys, disappointments or triumphs, we share.
Find a Chinese or English website with information about Jane Goodall. Put down 3 important things.
Please go to and read the article. Then answer the following questions.
同學們找出一個 介紹Yo-Yo Ma(馬友友)的英文網站, 做成連結。 並寫出5件你認為有關他的重要或有趣的事。 可以是直接從網路上的文字剪貼上來。
You will upload two pictures to your blog and write about what these two pictures remid you of and why. Use the phrase "remind...of". Click on the title of this assignment and you will see the example.
Dear studetns,
You will write at least 5 sentences about people you know, such as your parents, girlfriend(s), friends, teachers, etc. Each sentence has to include BOTH of the following patterns.
Dear students,
You will write a brief introduction about yourself. You can upload a picture of yourself, your idol, or anything that means a lot to you if you wish.